Monday, January 24, 2011

Humankind and the Mind

"And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what [is] that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." Romans 12:2

Where is your mind today? Is it on the things of God or is it wrapped around the things of this world?

We as humans have a hard time grasping the love of God and visualizing things in the spiritual realm because we can not actually see it with our own eyes. So naturally we go to the things we know and can see.

Yet there is often great danger in putting offering our hearts to worldly pleasures. Although many of lifes enjoyments were put here by God, there are still so many more that were put here by Satan.

How many times a day do you hear something on the radio that is crude or of a lower nature? How often do you see billboards that show pictures and sayings of things that are far from God? How many minutes can you watch television without seeing or hearing something that is inappropriate?

This surrounds us on a daily basis and often we think we have no where to hide and we end up running straight for it.

May I offer you a suggestion? Have you ever thought about hiding in the arms of Jesus our Lord and Savior? He wants to protect us from all the darts of this world, but we must be willing to run to Him and flee worldly pleasures. Are you willing to take that first step today?

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