Monday, December 27, 2010

Dancing Around the Truth

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."  - John 14:6

I have two left feet when it comes to dancing. It's a pretty funny sight to see when I get out on the dance floor. You wanna see me jam? Well that ain't happening now or never! But, did you know that if you have the right dance partner, they can make you look like a pro? 

I am guilty of dancing around the truth. Sometimes I'm afraid to tell others about Jesus and salvation because I'm worried what they might think of me. My two left feet get the best of me and I leave God and the truth out of the picture.

Yet God wants us to dance with Him. He will make us look like a pro every single time. He will twirl us, spin us, waltz us etc.

If we dance with Him, we will never dance around His truth. We will not be afraid of proclaiming the word of our Lord and in the process, we will see many come to know Him. 

How would you feel today if someone died not knowing the Lord because you decided to dance around the truth? Don't wait, ask the Lord to help you dance with Him right now.

1 comment:

  1. Truth with no spin is one of the most important things we can grasp. Biblical truth, you are either right or wrong...
