Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Unfailing Love

"The LORD loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of his unfailing love." - Psalms 33:5

It's that time of year when everyone gets all "lovey-dovey." I'm sure there are plenty of girls just wishing and praying to get under the mistletoe with their knight in shining armor. Little kids are "really" loving their parents  because they know if they are naughty, they won't be getting anything but coal in their stockings! The stores are packed with unhappy (yet loving) shoppers, getting their "loving" family and friends gifts to put under the tree.

Yes, love is definitely in the "human" air. We are all in that mood. But, I'd like you to take a deep look into your life for a minute and analyze whether the love you are putting on is real or a show.

Are some of you hurting deeply? Have you been wounded, this year, this month, this day? Are you searching for a love that will fill your heart all year round and not just during the Christmas festivities?

You won't find it in you mother, your neighbor, your best friend or your child. They may be able to give human love but they cannot give unconditional love.

I am reminded of one man who walked on this earth, sinless and in LOVE with humankind. Not the love we think of when we say "I love you" to our family members. The love that He has for us is beyond words; beyond imagination and the greatest thing about it is that it's completely free!

Do you need a touch of love for our Savior Jesus Christ? Do you trust Him to love you today? Are you willing to step away from your hurt and anger and let His unfailing love take over your life today? It's a decision you will never regret and it will make this Christmas season the happiest you've ever had.

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