Tuesday, October 12, 2010

No Such Thing as the Gray Zone

"He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather 
with me, scatters." Luke 11:23
Gray may be one of your favorite colors, but to the Lord, 
there is no such thing as the gray zone. There is black and 
there is white. There is no in between.
It's easy to live on the edge, party a little here and do a 
little of that there. You know, ride the fence for awhile. 
I'm sure if we were all honest with ourselves,we'd say we've 
been in that situation before.
But the Lord tells us we can either be for Him or against Him. 
We are either black or we are white; living in darkness or 
living in light.
We can get as close to the edge as we want and think we are 
still okay. But in God's eyes, we are turned against Him. 
He cannot look upon our sin!
But praise God there is an answer and it is Him! Turn your 
eyes upon Jesus. The black of this world will fade away and 
you can be made white as snow! 

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