Monday, October 25, 2010

When You Don't Understand, Pray (In Loving Memory of Laken Young)

For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. - Matthew 18:20

If you are from Dennis, MS, or the surrounding areas, I'm sure you have all heard about the loss of 16-year-old Laken Young this past weekend.

I personally did not know Laken but I feel as if I did and I have battled with deep sorrow all weekend long because I know of the pain her family and friends are feeling.

I'm sure you've also asked these similar questions. "God why?" " Why did you have to take someone so young and beautiful with their whole life ahead of her?"

Not a one of us understands God's ways no matter how young or old. Therefore this is when we need to get on our knees and pray. Prayer moves mountains and prayer changes things.

Laken was definitely prayed for (by many who knew her and many who did not), and God still chose to take her home. She is no longer suffering. She is no longer having to live in a world of sin, and I can bet you she is rejoicing right now and wishing she could tell all of us down here not to be sad; for she is in the presence of the Lord. 

Yet, that does not mean that those of us on earth are not still hurting. But when we are hurting we need to cry out to Jesus. Ask Him to wrap his loving arms around the Young and Woods' families. Ask Him to move mountains in their lives.

This is the time to give them complete support in prayer and in respect even if you don't know them. God loves a cheerful giver. So give in prayer.

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