Wednesday, October 13, 2010

When Trouble Finds You

"You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance."
- Psalm 32:7-8

Stress is probably most of our middle names and if we were telling the truth it may even be our first!

I'm sure we've all had those days when waking up is hard to do (no not breaking up), and once we do the day just seems to unravel in tiny peaces all around us.

We roll over and smash the alarm clock 50 times and realize on that last smash that we are entirely too late for work. As we run out the door, we trip over the dog and then over the cat, who as always, is meowing at the top of her lungs for just one more bite of food.

We get in the car (and if we live in Mississippi we are lucky because there is no traffic), and enjoy an hour long drive (or even longer if you are headed to L.A.).

But once that drive is over it's time to face the chaos of emails, phone calls, notes and items on your desk that just seem to show up out of nowhere.

After work we might rush to the gym for some much needed exercise (that is usually calming), and then we are off to the house to cook, play with the animals, or the kids (for those who are there already), and then finally sit down on the couch. Of course at that very same moment the dog starts scratching on the screen and by the time you get up and sit back down, it's time to go to bed.

And then you do it all over again.

Stress is an everyday thing no matter where you live, how old you are or what kind of car you drive. It will inevitably happen to you. 

But there is an answer for your troubles and His name is Jesus Christ. He wants to walk with you and talk with you all day, even when you feel overwhelmed and don't know what to do.

The next time you feel discouraged or stressed, lift your eyes toward heaven and call out to the Lord. He will surround you with "songs of deliverance."

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