Monday, November 8, 2010

Born With a Purpose

"So God created man in his [own] image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them." - Genesis 1:27

Each of us are born with a purpose in life. God has given us all different talents that are to be used to glorify His kingdom.

We all remember dreaming about what we were going to be when we "grew up". I always wanted to be a vet until I realized that they had to do surgery on animals and see bloody insides!

As I got older, I went through the professional softball or volleyball player stage, then to the kinesiologist (I think I was more fascinated with the name more than anything else), and then I wound up in journalism school after I felt a strong call on my life from the Lord.

I worked in that field for a few years and then God led me down a completely different path. He was calling me to be a graphic designer. It was exciting, yet scary for me at the same time, but I knew it was what His will was.

We are all made in God's image and we are all born with a purpose beyond what we can imagine. Sometimes God is so creative and He changes our career paths, but we must always remember to follow Him even if we would love to run the other way.

Remember how far that got Jonah! He was thrown into the belly of a big fish because he tried to run away from God.

If you think you are worth nothing, put you chin up and look toward the heavens. Ask the Lord to reveal your purpose to you. No doubt, He will.

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