Friday, November 12, 2010

Rage in the Real World

A hot-tempered man stirs up dissension, but a patient man calms a quarrel." Proverbs 15-18

Being a redhead and fair skinned, I have a tendency to show my true colors when I'm raging mad. I'd say by the way it feels, I'd look the color of a fire engine. If you see me like that, you better get the hose as quick as you can and put me out, because I'm about to blow up in your face.

Isn't it a common occurrence in our lives to show rage at others who don't deserve it? Most of the time we are overlooking the real situation by catering to our own needs. I'm definitely guilty of this on a weekly basis. Are you?

Okay, so it may be funny for a while, but what happens when our rage gets so out of hand that we can't control our emotions or our body? We are all capable of horrific sin. It takes just one second to throw something at somebody or push them down.

Those actions can lead to death, not only for your victim, but also for you. 

I know this is a very touchy subject I'm dealing with today, but we all need to realize what we are capable of. We are no better than the murderer on the five o'clock news. We could easily be in his shoes.

Satan wants us to be so full of rage that we can't think of anything but our needs. He wants us to go "mad." He wants to devour our souls and I'd have to say he's doing an amazing job of it in our world today.

But life can be lived so much better. Jesus is the answer to our anger and rage. He can give us patience and calmness beyond all measure. He is ready right now. Are you?

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