Monday, November 1, 2010

Lost and Found

"For this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found. And they began to be merry."
- Luke 15: 24

One of the scariest moments as a child is getting lost in a crowd and not being able to find your parents. It can send a child into complete panic mode, let alone cause the parents to have a heart attack. Most likely, they will run around screaming and yelling for little "Tommy" with a frantic look on their face.

My little brother was notorious for "getting lost" as a child. We often went to the mall and he loved to hide in the clothing racks. It seemed that every time my mom turned around she couldn't find him. It was a game to him, but to my mom, it was shear torture.

It is the same way with God. We run around and hide from him thinking all is fun and games, while he is seeking us out and asking us to come to Him over and over again.

Yet we are like lost sheep who can't find our way in this merry-go-round called life. The reason: we do not see how much we need to be found.

God wants to bring us home. Het is stretching out His arms, asking you to come to Him. We are lost but He has made every effort to find us.

Do you want to continue running from him or do you want to be found? Let the Lord receive you with open arms today. You will never want to look back.

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