Wednesday, November 3, 2010

When Others Drive You Bananas

"The words of a talebearer [are] as wounds, and they go down into the innermost parts of the belly." Proverbs 26:22

It goes without saying that we all have people in our live that can really crawl under our skin. I can admit it, there are a few in mine! (By the way, if you are my friend, you have no worries. Just don't become my enemy.)

So what do we do when others annoy the living daylight out of us?

Most of us, including myself, decide that would be the perfect time to run and tell someone else that a certain person is driving us bananas or that they are picking on us.

STOP! Let's see what it would look like if we chose to go another route.

Imagine that this same person was still driving you bananas and you chose to do something dramatically opposite of your first instinct. Imagine that you folded your hands for a few seconds and prayed for them.

It would do wonders for you and for them. Maybe we should all try it.

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